It's the world's favourite search engine - but now Google has spelt out a vision for the future of the internet.
The answer -
artificial intelligence - with search engines so powerful they would understand "everything in the world". It's the dream of Larry Page - one of Google's founders and now a multi-billionaire.
Larry Page, founder of Google
Google vision
Published: 23 May 2006
By: Faisal Islam
It's the world's favourite search engine - but now Google has spelt out a vision for the future of the internet.
>>Watch the report
The answer - artificial intelligence - with search engines so powerful they would understand "everything in the world". It's the dream of Larry Page - one of Google's founders and now a multi-billionaire.
He was in London this week - for a conference attended by the creme de la creme of Europe's so called "technorati". Our business correspondent Faisal Islam went to find out if Google can really stay ahead of the rest.
Watch the entire Q & A session with Google's founder, Larry Page:
Google Q & A
A well known list of web directories "Directory Critic" has gotten a redesign.
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A new webdirectory by Loren Baker from
Search Engine Journal just bought a new directory of SEO Firms and Resources
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